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Welcome to endoftimeprophecy.com

Do you believe that God gives dreams and visions and gifts of the Holy Spirit to lead us safely home? Do you believe that everything we know about him is by revelation? My experience has been that God is a revealer of himself and of everything we need to arrive safely and triumphantly at our destination.

I was born again in 1983, and in 2016 started this blog to prove that God is everything the bible says he is. Redeemer, teacher, healer, saviour and friend!

And now… the end of time is approaching. It’s more obvious every day. Fear and uncertainty are everywhere just like Jesus said they would be.

There are many conflicting voices in the world but only the Holy Bible stands the test of time. No matter what opinion we hold regarding “faith”, every honest student of history has to acknowledge that the truth contained in the bible has elevated every individual and every nation that has ever heard and been governed by its message. And today nothing has changed. The Bible is still the sure foundation to build your life on.

But many people have the opinion that God is sitting on the sideline, disinterested. That is simply not true. Today Jesus is watching, today he is waiting, and today his Spirit is speaking to you and to me. Every moment of every hour, day and night, God is searching and seeking and ready to act. And God’s voice in prayer is real, guaranteeing our safety and removing all fear from our hearts. All he wants to do is lead us safely home.

We can depend on God. He loves us. He personally warns us and leads us. These posts prove it. They serve as evidence that we need no one but the Holy Spirit to teach us. And the bible promises that if we follow Jesus’ example wholeheartedly, we will be led into all truth and elevated above the shaking, fearful confusion that this world is descending into.

No matter what you think, Jesus is calling you. I urge you to respond. Call out to him. Pray and then let him safely lead you. Let God’s Holy Word become your anchor and your tower.

No matter what your opinion of him is now, one step towards God is all that it will take to find out that he is the one who loves you, and the only one you can depend on in the future.

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