The Cliff

Shortly after The Golden Chain, my wife received another dream from the Lord, warning of a day when many would be deceived by lying signs and wonders.

In the dream she was on a country road with many other people, all travelling the same direction. She and a few others were walking, but most of the people on the road were running.

Ahead, she saw the road lead directly over the edge of a cliff into a very deep chasm. And from the chasm a sound like a mighty rushing wind could be heard. Those who were running along the road were plunging straight over the cliff without any hesitation. But when my wife looked over the edge, nothing could be seen below.

Then off to the right, standing together on a low hill, she saw a small group of people gathered around a very plain looking man. They were not leaping off the cliff. My wife joined them and the dream ended.

We immediately understood that this dream was sent as a warning. In the future a phenomenon will appear that many Christians will run after, unaware of the danger ahead.

The people travelling on the road represent Christians and the path we all are on together. The chasm represents the empty result of false teaching. And the plain man on the hill represents the Word of God.

The walking group and the running group experienced two completely different outcomes. Those running fell into the empty chasm. Those walking were safely gathered around the Word.

The sound of a rushing mighty wind represents a display of lying sign and wonders. The symbolism comes from the description of the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:2. But in the dream, when my wife looked over the cliff’s edge to observe what was drawing so many people, there was nothing to be seen. The sound she heard imitated the gospel, but it was not the truth. It was empty, and came from deep in the earth, not from heaven above.

The issue in the church today leading to the fulfillment of this dream is that many born again Christians and evangelical denominations have departed from the Word of God, and are not aware of it. Consequently they are in danger of being deceived by the Antichrist.

Something we must understand in order to interpret this dream and identify true Christianity is that at the end of time, everything planted in the earth (both good and evil) will be ripe for harvest. (Rev 14:14-20) This means that While God is waiting patiently for the good fruit to ripen, evil will have its fullest expression in the rise of the Antichrist, and his eventual reign as a world dictator.

But the spirit of antichrist was already “planted” at the time of the apostles and has been working within the church ever since. Masquerading as the spirit of Christ, scripture reveals that this seducing spirit has been given the power to conquer many Christians and Christian denominations. (See 1 John 2:18-19 and Rev 6:2)

The Bible has plenty to say about this spirit, but the short version is that those under its influence tragically misuse the Word of God. Specifically they ignore Jesus’ teachings about the cross, or deflect the true meaning of Jesus’ words. Plainly stated, they reject the requirement to lay down one’s life in order to gain heaven and save our fellow man. Under scrutiny, their gospel preaching is carnality thinly veiled in spirituality, but many are attracted by these vain prophets and their empty words.

Added confusion arises because the spirit of antichrist maintains its “Christian” appearance, and can appear extremely successful. But the apostle Paul exposes it completely when he calls it another gospel, about another Jesus, which is not the gospel at all. (2 Cor 11:4 and Gal 1:6)

As the end of time approaches this antichrist deception will escalate, because the false prophet will be given the power to deceive through lying signs and wonders. (Rev 13:12-14)

So perhaps now the interpretation of the dream is clear to you, as it was when my wife told it to me.

Those running on the road will fall to the deception I have described, because they previously rejected the central doctrine of true faith in Jesus. “And whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:27)

Following Jesus without embracing the cross is not the truth, it is something else. It is an imitation. To be Jesus’ disciples we must walk exactly as he walked, fully determined to go to the death of the cross.

And to know his power, the same principle applies. “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone. But if it die, it brings forth much fruit.” (John 13:24)

Cast your life and the outcome of it completely onto God! Trust the Holy Spirit for everything you need now and in eternity. You will gain not only your own life, but others besides!

So many in the church today are baffled that there is no power, so few being saved, so little joy in worship, no shout of victory in the camp, such poor discernment among leadership, and so much fear of what the future holds. It is simply because we are not going God’s way.

Now, before moving on to other things in future posts, can I advise you one final time? Search the scriptures carefully. There is a reason we are instructed to die to self… because it is the ONLY way to be Jesus’ disciple and to experience his resurrection power in the here and now.

Stop trying to manipulate your circumstances. God can change them in an instant, when it’s time.

Rather, let the Holy Spirit lead you through the wilderness if that is what it takes. I am there. All true men and women of God are. It can be a lonely, difficult path, but it is the path to glory and power. And in the midst of it all, God’s word promises joy, peace, and his presence to comfort and to guide. (See John 16:24-33)

Then tell the truth to as many people as you can along the way. Forgive their insults like Jesus did. Pray that the Holy Spirit will turn their hearts and teach them to embrace the cross too.

It is the only way that you will have the pleasure of snatching them from the devil, and taking them with you to glory.

I know you are aware of the preaching at Times Square Church in New York, but this particular message is especially timely.

Check out

One thought on “The Cliff

  1. Hello Sir,

    I have 2 questions

    1. How can you be sure that these are the end times?
    I am sure you are aware that there has been many people in the past claiming the same thing.
    Even the disciples in Jesus’ time had this belief.

    2. What does it mean to die to self?
    I gather that it means to submit your life to God’s will.
    What is your belief?


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